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Personalising communication: Using template fields

Templates can be set up with dynamic fields, fields that relate specifically to the member receiving the communication. For example, you could add the member's name, the membership they're on, how much they owe, almost any information that is linked to that member can be used to personalise your communication with them. You can send members links that log them into the member portal based on their email address and take them to where you want them to go, e.g. to update their billing details, make a booking or pay their overdue account. 

Email and SMS templates are set up under the Settings > Templates section.


Adding Template Fields

To add a dynamic template field, first select the field you want to add using the Insert Field drop down menu when creating/editing a template. The list can be quite long, try searching for the field you require to filter the list. Once you've selected the field, click the space in the template that you want the field to appear, your cursor should be flashing where the field will go. Click the [+ Insert Field] button to finalise the selection.

The field will appear in that spot, though you may notice it looks a little funny. Template fields show in a special form which is recognised by the system and replaced with the relevant data at the time it's sent. All template fields will be encapsulated by curly brackets, and prefixed with a number. E.g. {58:Member Firstname}




Template Basis

What will the communication be based on? Some template fields can be ambiguous, so it's important to consider the basis of the template when choosing fields to add.

For example, a template used when emailing a member will be based on that member. Adding a template field which relates to their membership means that membership information has to be derived from the member. This is usually fine, however only when the member has one membership. If a member has more than one the system must decide the member's primary membership, then pull the relevant information from that membership.

For more information on how memberships are derived from a member basis, see the article Which is the Primary Membership for members with more than one?

Templates that are used in the task system will have their basis defined by the task type's Trigger Settings, specifically the Event. Events relating to memberships and bookings will be able to pull data from the relevant membership or booking. Those relating to the member will be derived. Lets look at some examples.

  • Failed Billing: Member Basis. Membership & Booking fields will be derived.
  • Membership Starting: Membership Basis. Template fields referencing Membership will pull data from the membership that is starting.
  • Class Booking Coming Up: Booking Basis. Template fields referencing Class Booking will pull data from the next booking that is coming up. Fields relating to memberships will be derived from the member that has the booking.


Report Fields

The fields used in the templating system are the same as those used in the reporting system. That means that most fields you can add to your reports can also be used to personalise your communications.

For more information on customising reports using report fields, see the article on Customising your reports

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